The OFWW Bash is a monthly tournament for all OFWW members to compete on a foursome team for golf shop credit and to provide a way to meet and play with other OFWW members. Tournaments include a variety of formats including Scrambles, Shambles, Best Net and Pink Ball.


The sign-up forms will be shut off on Sunday, December 1 at the 2:00 PM cut off.


Please use the link below for more information about the next event:

Current Month Bash Flyer






Please check in with Chris when you arrive so we can be sure we have complete teams or adjust as needed. If you need to cancel during the signup period, you can go into Golf Genius during the signup period and cancel.   If you need to cancel after the signup period, please send an email to both Chris and Stan letting them know as soon as possible, including the night before (christopher.reiner@invitedclubs.com   or Stancoburn20@Gmail.com).

If you don’t cancel you will still be charged the registration fee. Sign up will be using Golf Genius.   Please look for the mail with the sign-up link or you can go to www.golfgenius.com/ggid/ofww



Please feel free to send Stan a note with any comments or suggestions.  Stancoburn20@Gmail.com



Sign-up using the Golf Genius 

OFWW GG Portal Splash Page