Jan 24 - not enough played (Tue, January 24)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Ackerman, Charlie
Agnew, Jim
Alexander, Jack
Andrews, Don
Aston, Mike
Atwood, Harvey
Avdey, George
Baehl, Joe
Bell, JB
Blankenship, Joe
Blick, Marty
Borys, Steve
Bradley, David
Burris, Harry
Castleberry, Stuart
Coburn, Stan
Curtis, Bill
Devoe, Charles
Ellis, Dick
Freeh, Patrick
Goldman, Edwin
Groom, Brian
Hendricksen, Steve
House, Thornton
Johnston, Brent
Jones, Bryce
Kelly, Tom
Lockwood, Dave
Lyda, Tom
Mentakis, Alex
Mohr, Larry
Morris, Kevin
Mouton, Rene
Munoz, Raul
Pullen, John
Richter, Frank
Rivet, Rusty
Schaaf, Mark
Spears, Stuart
Taflinger, David
Tolman, Ross
Turkopp, Richard
Ward, Mark
Wells, Bill
Wenner, David
Wenner, Phil
Wilkinson, Jeffrey
Wolf, Ken
Zampello, Frank