1) Names from the Play Day Sign-up Sheet w/Tee Time Selection will be included in the Play Day Tee sheet and Pairings in Golf Genius.


2) An equal number of Low-Medium-High Handicap players in each Flight are recorded on the Play Day Scores/ Skins Worksheet in Golf Genius. There must be at least 7 players in a Flight to pay out low net scores and skins. If there are less than 7 players in a group, then 2 or more groups are merged together.


3) Low scores in each Flight are recorded. The number of low net scores that will be paid out in each handicap group (equal for all Flights) will depend on the highest number of players in the three Flights. Results are indicated on the Golf Genius Leaderboard. Ties for low net scores are settled using the USGA default tie breaker process.  Results are posted on the GG Leader Board with payouts applied per the Payoff Schedule, which determines the $ amounts  paid for low net scores and skins in each Flight.


4) The results are recorded and published on the GG Leader Board and the Play Day YTD Standing Page on the Results Tab on the GG OFWW Member Portal.


5) The Golf Genius app installed on a smartphone is used for recording scores by  Play Day participants. The GG program sorts all participants into handicap groups, assigns GHIN handicaps and sorts results into Flights.


6) Scores are automatically entered into GHIN utilizing the Course playing handicaps. Do not  enter your own result into GHIN.


7) YTD Standing can be utilized to confirm  winnings are correctly posted to you Club Credit Account.


Updated 8/9/2023